Friday, December 14, 2007

Good Morning!

Just wanted to drop a note and give everyone a quick update.

We are B-U-S-Y! After I got done with Little Women, I was asked to play a small part in our Christmas program, which Crystal was already in, so I had one day off and then started back up with rehearsals for this weekend. I took that night and went to the hockey game. Tuesday was rehearsal, Wednesday was our company Christmas party, Thursday was rehearsal, guessed it, rehearsal. Saturday is a performance. On Sunday, we have church (in which we have the nursery and I have to serve communion in the second service, which I haven't quite figured out how I am going to do both yet) then we leave and go to the Nashville Ballet for "The Nutcracker", then race back to the church for another performance of the Christmas program.

After that, we have NOTHING to do until Christmas. Oh, except for the fact that we haven't even started shopping yet. I would imagine that would fall into some of our plans for next week.

I also wanted to share a conversation that our babysitter, Mimi, had with Haley yesterday at breakfast.

Haley: I have a baby in my tummy.
Mimi: No you don't, silly.
Haley: You're right, I just have a belly button.
Mimi: You have to be married to have a baby. You aren't married are you?
Haley: No, I'm just Haley.

And then, on the way to church last night we passed a nativity scene in someone's yard. Crystal says "Look, there's the baby Jesus", and Haley YELLS (loud enough to wake Lanning up) "I...LOVE...DA...BABY...JESUS!!!"

From the mouths of babes........

Love you all,
The Middle McKays

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Long time, no speak

Ok, so apparently the information doesn't flow so easily here. I apologize for the vast delay in getting some more information up here. I PROMISE that I am really trying to not be so vacant from this type of thing, but old habits die hard!

Here are some updates on our lives:

Lanning: Lanning just figured out that food is way better than the stinky old formula he has been getting. I am telling you , the boy can eat! I think Jeremy gave him his tape worm! He is starting to crawl around and can sit up and is really trying to figure out how to walk. He is now 9 1/2 months and his personality is really starting to show. He is really smiley and loves to laugh. We really have been blessed with two very mild mannered kids.

Haley: Well, Haley is now 3 and she is figuring out that she can try and push Mom and Dad around. It's pretty cool, though, because we don't actually have to spank her that often. All we do is threaten and she straightens up pretty quick. For the next couple of minutes, anyway. She loves to play with her imaginary puppy and he goes everywhere with us. He even sleeps beside her on the pillow at night. It's amazing, though, the puppy fits in her hand and usually goes everywhere in her hand. It poses some problems when she has to do everything with one hand, though. She is so observant and gets so excited when she recognizes the street lamp decorations or the cows in the fields as we drive by. It's really pretty cool. Just to give you a taste of how her mind works, Crystal's little brother asked her the other day what she wanted for Christmas and she replied, "An Elephant." He said, "Oh, a stuffed elephant?" She very matter-of-factly replied, "No, a baby elephant." We died laughing. I asked what else she wanted, because I'm sorry, but I am not cleaning up after an elephant, so she's not getting one. She replied to that question with "A Snake". No, she isn't getting one of those, either, just for the record. For some unknown reason, she loves bugs and spiders and snakes. I am not sure who's genes that came from, but it wasn't mine or Crystal's. (Maybe i should get to know our mailman a little better......)

Crystal: Crystal is on the dance team at church. No, it's not like your high school dance team, don't worry. They are getting ready for their Christmas concert thing with our praise team, so she has been working hard at getting all the moves and wiggles down. She really enjoys it and it's fun for her to get to express herself in that way.

Andrew: I am just about to finish up my latest play. I was the Assistant Director/Stage Manager for Little Women. It was the first time that I have done anything like that behind the scenes. I am usually the one on stage, so it was very interesting to see what goes on from that side of the stage. I enjoyed it, but after doing "Guys and Dolls" two months ago and jumping straight into this play, I think I will definitely take a break for a little while. I have been asked to be in two of the three remaining plays and Assistant Direct the third, but I don't think that I will be able to do all that. It really causes me to be gone from Crystal and the kids alot. Family comes first.

That's about it. We are really busy around this time of year, so my goal is to make sure and spend some quality, down time with the family this season. I can't believe Christmas is so close!

I have added some slide shows on the sidebar of the blog, so be sure and check out those pictures.

We love you all!

Monday, October 29, 2007

El Posto Numero Uno!

Welcome to our first post. We decided to start this blog after the success of Angie's. I will be the first to admit that we, mainly me, are not the best at keeping in touch with family and I have no excuse for that, so please consider this my formal apology. I often feel out of touch with everyone and that's no one's fault but my own, but it needs to change, we are at Step One.

More info to come when I have some more time to write, but all in all, we are doing pretty good. No real complaints other than my children are growing up too fast. Haley is really starting to realize that her Mom and Dad do not control the world, and she can do whatever she wants. Lanning is really beginning to show his personality and he is acting more and more like his sister every day - which reminds me, please pray for us :)

Like I said earlier, pictures and more info will come soon.

I love you all,